Perinatal Mental Health Disorders
· Are you feeling sad or depressed?
· Do you feel more irritable or angry with those around you?
· Are you having difficulty bonding with your baby?
· Do you feel anxious or panicky?
· Are you having problems with eating or sleeping?
· Are you having upsetting thoughts that you can’t get out of your mind?
· Do you feel as if you are “out of control” or “going crazy”?
· Do you feel like you never should have become a parent?
· Are you worried that you might hurt your baby or yourself?
Any of these symptoms, and many more, could indicate that you have a form of perinatal mental health disorder, such as postpartum depression. While many parents experience some mild mood changes during or after the birth of a child, 15 to 20% of women experience more significant symptoms of depression or anxiety. Please know that with informed care you can prevent a worsening of these symptoms and can fully recover. There is no reason to continue to suffer.
Parents of every culture, age, income level and race can develop perinatal mental health disorders. Symptoms can appear any time during pregnancy and the first 12 months after childbirth. There are effective and well-researched treatment options to help you recover. Although the term “postpartum depression” is most often used, there are actually several forms of illness that parents may experience, including:
· Family Resource Center - Motherhood is a journey filled with joy, but it can also be overwhelming at times. Family Resource Center understands that being a mother often means balancing multiple responsibilities, nurturing others, and often putting your own needs on the back burner. We also recognize that finding support to navigate life's challenges is just as important as taking care of your loved ones. Family Resource Center offers a wide range of tools and resources designed to support individuals through motherhood. These tools encompass various therapeutic techniques, self-help materials, interactive exercises, and educational content intended to cater to different needs and preferences. Family Resource Center professionals work with individual clients to custom design treatment plans based on each individual situation. Your provider is specially trained, and will work with you to provide personalized guidance utilizing their clinical expertise. Your individual plan may include services such as: individual counseling, case management and peer support, occupational therapy, group therapy, and other services to support you! Below is our QR Code to take you to our Resources for Moms located in our website!
· Caughman Health Center - At Caughman Health Center we see many patients from newborn through end of life for preventative and acute care needs. We collaborate with the MOMS program if we have a parent that has substance use concerns. Postpartum we also assess maternal mental health with the Edinburgh assessment. At that time if there are concerns we speak with the mothers OB provider or refer to family medicine. We assess SDOH questions, ensure resources are connected for families when needed.
· Blanchard Valley Center - able to provide referrals to help support maternal mental health and substance use concerns.
· WIC is a federal nutrition program funded by the USDA, administered by the Ohio Department of Health, and operated locally as a program of the HHWP-Community Action Commission. WIC health professionals are knowledgeable and care about the health of your family. They are happy to work with you in achieving the best health for your family.
§ Improve nutrition and dietary intake
§ Improve pregnancy outcomes
§ Reduce incidence of low birth weight and infant mortality
§ Provide infants and children with a healthy start in life
§ Provide mothers with breastfeeding assistance
§ Nutrition education
§ Breastfeeding education and support
§ Supplemental, highly nutritious foods
§ Referral to prenatal and pediatric healthcare
§ Referral to maternal and child health and human service programs
· Hancock Public Health - offers a variety of community health services including immunizations, reproductive health clinics, school nursing and a mobile health clinic.
· Welcome to a New Life - providing mentorship and resources for those involved in the Hancock County criminal justice system. As part of the maternal support, our volunteer mentors provide positive support for as we come alongside expected mothers to give them acceptance, hope and genuine friendship in their new life journey. Helping them to access tailored community resources to overcome common obstacles.
See below for contact information
Blanchard Valley Health System is a non-profit, integrated regional health system based in Findlay, a unique micropolitan community in Northwest Ohio. Governed by a community board of trustees representing large and small business, education, law, medicine and finance, BVHS oversees all operations.
BVHS is one of the largest employers in the area with more than 3,000 associates and serves an eight-county area that includes Hancock, Allen, Putnam, Henry, Wood, Seneca, Wyandot and Hardin Counties.
In addition, a dedicated group of more than 400 volunteers support BVHS through their contributions of both time and money. As part of the BVHS family, the Auxiliary is a major contributor to our standards of excellence.
Blanchard Valley Behavioral Health Services
300 West Wallace Street, Suite A1
Findlay, OH 45840
Blanchard Valley Medical Practices
Northwest Ohio Medical Equipment
1749 Tiffin Avenue
Findlay, OH 45840
Pulmonary Services
Ruse Bldg Suite R3300
1900 S Main St
Findlay, OH 45840
1800 N Blanchard St
Findlay,Ohio 45840
The mission of HHWP Community Action Commission is to reduce the conditions of poverty by providing comprehensive services to improve lives.
To accomplish our mission, HHWP CAC collects and analyzes data on the nature of poverty and the existing resources in the area. HHWP CAC involves public and private agencies, as well as the population to be served, in developing action plans to address needed services. These activities often include helping other agencies to improve and expand their services and assisting with the development of new organizations. HHWP CAC will seek out governmental and private resources to initiate and administer innovative programs in such areas as employment, education, housing development, transportation, health, emergency needs, food/nutrition, advocacy, etc.
1637 Tiffin Ave.
Findlay,Ohio 45840
2225 Keith Pkwy.
Findlay,Ohio 45840
2225 Keith Parkway
Findlay,Ohio 45840
1800 N Blanchard St
Findlay,Ohio 45840
Serving individuals and families affected by domestic violence and sexual assault through crisis intervention, emergency shelter, outreach, advocacy, prevention and education.
Programs: Emergency Shelter: provides immediate and emergency shelter for survivors and their children. Outreach Program: 24-hour crisis hotline, legal advocacy, support and education for those needing non-shelter assistance. Rape Crisis Program: provides 24/7 medical advocacy, legal accompaniment, individual and group support, and education/awareness presentations. Children's Program: provides advocacy for children participating in the residential and/or outreach programs including individual and group support. Educational programming provided in the city and county schools. Harmony House: provides and safe place for children who are removed from the home due to abuse or neglect to visit with their parent(s). Allows parents to exchange/visit their children while avoiding contact with each other, eliminating exposure to potential violence. Mobile Advocacy- provides Advocates that will meet survivors where they are and connect them with resources, help and safety.Our mission is to provide mentorship and resources for adults who are involved in the Hancock County criminal justice system, helping them to live crime-free, drug-free, productive lives.
1800 N Blanchard St
Findlay,Ohio 45840
In the Rooms
SMART Recovery
Recovery Dharma Online