Serving individuals and families affected by domestic violence and sexual assault through crisis intervention, emergency shelter, outreach, advocacy, prevention and education.
Programs: Emergency Shelter: provides immediate and emergency shelter for survivors and their children. Outreach Program: 24-hour crisis hotline, legal advocacy, support and education for those needing non-shelter assistance. Rape Crisis Program: provides 24/7 medical advocacy, legal accompaniment, individual and group support, and education/awareness presentations. Children's Program: provides advocacy for children participating in the residential and/or outreach programs including individual and group support. Educational programming provided in the city and county schools. Harmony House: provides and safe place for children who are removed from the home due to abuse or neglect to visit with their parent(s). Allows parents to exchange/visit their children while avoiding contact with each other, eliminating exposure to potential violence. Mobile Advocacy- provides Advocates that will meet survivors where they are and connect them with resources, help and safety.In the Rooms
SMART Recovery
Recovery Dharma Online