Hope House serves homeless and impoverished individuals and families in Hancock County. With the help of dedicated volunteers and generous donors, Hope House assists with securing safe and affordable housing for over 7,000 individuals each year.
Born out of the need for homeless services for women and children in 1990, Hope House now provides a continuum of services that help individuals and families locate and permanently maintain housing. In addition to the Hope House Shelter, Hope House serves as the Front Door for housing assistance in Hancock County out of its offices in The Family Center.
Needing housing, apply today for our new emergency rental assistance program
Housing Help Line
1800 N Blanchard St.
Findlay, Ohio 45840
Serving individuals and families affected by domestic violence and sexual assault through crisis intervention, emergency shelter, outreach, advocacy, prevention and education.
Programs: Emergency Shelter: provides immediate and emergency shelter for survivors and their children. Outreach Program: 24-hour crisis hotline, legal advocacy, support and education for those needing non-shelter assistance. Rape Crisis Program: provides 24/7 medical advocacy, legal accompaniment, individual and group support, and education/awareness presentations. Children's Program: provides advocacy for children participating in the residential and/or outreach programs including individual and group support. Educational programming provided in the city and county schools. Harmony House: provides and safe place for children who are removed from the home due to abuse or neglect to visit with their parent(s). Allows parents to exchange/visit their children while avoiding contact with each other, eliminating exposure to potential violence. Mobile Advocacy- provides Advocates that will meet survivors where they are and connect them with resources, help and safety.401 W Sandusky St
Findlay, Ohio 45840
Visit the Open Arms Domestic Violence & Rape Crisis Services website.
In the Rooms
SMART Recovery
Recovery Dharma Online